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Student Handbook

Dear Parents & Students,


Welcome to St. Peter School!  In choosing St. Peter, you have demonstrated a commitment to the values and philosophy of a Catholic education.


The faculty and staff of your school look forward to working with you for the benefit of your children.  St. Peter School provides quality Catholic education in a Christ-like environment by educating and nurturing children in our care.  An educational curriculum is provided where students learn intellectual, spiritual, social, physical, and aesthetic life skills and attitudes.


Because we are a community which is caring and concerned for the well-being of all members, policies and regulations have been written to guide us in our responsibilities to each other.  These policies and regulations are stated in this Parent/Student Handbook which is provided to each family in our school.  These policies and regulations enable us to provide an atmosphere which is conducive to the total education of the child.


This handbook has a great deal of information.  Please read it carefully and return the signed compliance form to your oldest child's homeroom teacher.  Diocesan policies and regulations will be found at the beginning of several sections.  They are indicated by the diocesan policy or regulation number.  The Diocese of Jefferson City Policy and Procedure Manual can be found in its entirety in the principal's office.  No policy and/or regulation of St. Peter School will contradict Diocesan policies or regulations.


It is imperative that all members of our school community read, understand and agree to be governed by the rules, regulations and policies contained in our handbook.  Together, let us pray that God, who has begun this good work in us, carry it through to completion.


God Bless, 


Mary McCoy



St. Peter Catholic School
368 S. Ellsworth Ave.
Marshall, MO 65340

Main Office:  660-886-6390
Celebrating 140 years of Faith Education
Go Big Blue!

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