St Peter Catholic School: Home of the Mustangs

Dress Code
The dress code can be found in the student handbook provided to families at the start of the new academic year. It's also provided to families who are enrolling a new student during the school year. We want to emphasize the importance of the dress code and our expectations here. Our goal is to maintain a school environment focused on learning and teaching. Students will be dressed to learn. Our school dress policy is designed to create a strong sense of unity among students and enhance the school identity within our community.
School Uniforms
School uniforms are mandatory for all K-8 students while on school grounds during regular school hours and extended care except on school-approved days of exemption. School approved days of exemption may include, but are not limited to, dress down days, holidays, and spirit days. Uniforms may be required during off campus and non-regular school hours and activities such as performances and non-athletic competitions. Notification will be given in advance of such requirements. All items are to be marked with the family name.
A student may be considered for full or partial exemption due to health reasons, such as large casts or braces or undue financial hardship.
No student will be considered non-compliant with the dress code policy in the following instances:
1. When an exemption has been obtained or is being considered after a written request has been made.
2. When a student wears a uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization, such as boy scouts or girl scouts, on regular meeting days.
3. During the first two weeks after transferring from another school.
4. During school approved days of exemption.
Consequences of Violations
First Offense: Student's teacher or school staff contacts the parents or guardians/notifies the principal a violation has occurred.
Second Offense: Student's teacher sends student to the office. Parents to bring the ne3cessary item to school.
Third Offense: Parents to bring the necessary item to school at which time conference with the principal will take place.
2nd, 3rd and 4th Offenses (grades 4-8): Students will be assessed a monetary fine beginning at 50 cents and doubled each time until it reaches a maximum of $4.00 per violation.
Consequences of additional violations may include but are not limited to having parents bring the necessary clothing, removal of the student from the class, in school suspension, detention and/or out of school suspension.
The principal reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of any item of dress not listed in the school dress policy as no dress code can cover all eventualities or possibilities.
Boys Uniforms:
Pants or shorts - navy or khaki - NO CARGO SHORTS/PANTS OF ANY KIND
Shirts, collared, button down or polo style - white, navy, or red
Turtlenecks - white or navy
Sweaters, sweater vests, or crewneck sweatshirts - navy
Girls Uniforms
Pants or shorts - navy or khaki - NO CARGO SHORTS/PANTS OF ANY KIND
Skirts or scooters - navy or khaki - NO CORDUROYS
Skirts (grades K-8) - school approved plaid - NO CORDUROYS
Jumpers (K-4) - school approved plaid - NO CORDUROYS, jumpers in tan or navy may be worn
Shirts, collared, button down or polo style - white, navy or red
Turtlenecks: white or navy
Cardigan sweaters (red or navy), sweater vests (navy) or crewneck sweatshirts (navy)
*Socks - solid navy, khaki, black, gray or white color with only a single small logo, must be worn above the ankle.
Tights or leggings in white, navy, or black are allowed in place of socks.
*Outerwear jackets or coats may not be worn in class. Teachers may grant exception.
*Shirts are to be work tucked in always.
*Belts are to be worn with shorts and pants. Belts, flat or braided are to be black or brown with a plain buckle.
*Logos, embroidery, printing, decorative stitching, or studs are not allowed on any visible attire, except shoes. Socks may have a logo not exceeding 3 inches in length.
*Shorts must be worn under skirts and should not be visible.
*T-shirts may be worn beneath shirts but must be white.
*A turtleneck or shirt must be worn under sweaters, sweater vests, and sweatshirts.
*Athletic shoes, casual or dress shoes are to be worn. All shoes are to have closed toe and closed heel.
*Shoes or boots must not rise above the ankle.
*All clothing is to fit properly and be neat and clean.
*Clothing is not to have holes that attract attention or cause distraction.
*Spirit wear may be worn on designated days only. These days will be determined by the principal and advances notes will be given.
*Watches and post earrings may be worn. No other visible jewelry.
*Makeup, nail polish, nail overlays or acrylics, visible body piercing, fake tattoos, glitter lotions, or colored hair pieces are not to be worn. Barrettes, bands, and other hair accessories should be solid color or school plaid, small and one piece without adornments such as, but not limited to: sequins, feathers, flowers, and so forth. Medical alert bracelets are allowable.
*Hats, wrist bands, dew rags, bandanas, picks, or sunglasses are not to be worn in the buildings during class.
*No colored hair (red, blue, etc.)
*On dress down days, shorts and skirts must be at least fingertip length. No bare midriff or shoulders. No low-cut bottoms. No spandex pants or leggings unless covered to at least fingertip length by another article of clothing.
*School athletic uniforms are not to be worn in public as sports attire or at out of school events.
*Spirit Wear: All spirit wear including outerwear, sweatshirts, and t-shirts must have the St. Peter logo or be the approved back to school spirit wear. No spirit wear is allowed in the chapel.
*Physical Education Uniforms: All students in grades five through eight (5th-8th) are required to dress in appropriate shoes and clothing for physical education class. Dress should include: athletic shoes suitable for the gymnasium or for outdoor activities, socks, athletic shorts, and athletic shirt. Shirt may be either short or long-sleeved. Shorts must fall to at least the fingertips of the student with arms hanging at the side. Warm-up suits and sweat clothes may also be worn to gym class. Leggings may not be worn unless a shirt comes to mid-thigh. Clothing worn to physical education class should be different than clothing that is worn the rest of the day to school. Gym clothes should be taken home and washed weekly. Be sure that all clothing and belongings are clearly marked with the
student's name.
Students in grades kindergarten through fourth (K-4th) are not required to change for class but are to wear appropriate shoes and clothing for activities. Hard-soled shoes, sandals and boots are not appropriate for play on the gym floor. Girls must wear slacks or shorts under their dresses.
8th Grade Graduation Attire
8th grade graduation is an important moment in the lives of St. Peter students, their families and the school. it marks a significant milestone and is worthy of special recognition and celebration. As a parish school, graduation is celebrated in the church with Mass as part of the larger church community. Appearance and dress for the event always need to be in keeping with Christian values and reflective of the significance of the event and its location.
Robes selected by the school will be worn by graduating students
Attire under the robe is to be modest and reflect a positive example of good taste as well as avoiding extremes in appearance.
Jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and/or tennis shoes are not to be worn for graduation Mass or for the reception following.
For the young men, shirts are to have a collar.
For the young ladies, slacks, blouses, skirts, pantsuits, dresses are to be in keeping with modest dress that would be appropriate for the setting.