St Peter Catholic School: Home of the Mustangs
St Peter Home & School Association
2023-2024 Officers
President: Elizabeth Thompson
Vice President: Kelsey Chamberlin
Treasurer: Eileen Thompson
Secretary: Natalie
The St. Peter Home and School Association is designed to enable the parent's partnership role to become a reality in education, from toddlers up to and including 8th grade students. The objectives of our Home and School are to coordinate the educational activities of the home and school, promote communication among the parents, teachers and administrators, and to develop and deepen a mutual understanding of Catholic education. It supports the school through fundraising activities, volunteer workers and collaboration with faculty and staff. It is not an organization that discusses policies and issues. Those are functions of the school advisory council of education. Home & School meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month beginning in September and ending in April with no meeting in December. Meetings start at 6:00 p.m. in the school chapel.
Membership consists of parents/guardians of students, the pastor, school administrator, principal, and faculty/staff. Membership may be extended to include other interested relatives of students and community leaders if so desired. The association may set nominal annual dues if desired (the St. Peter Home and School Association at this time does not charge dues for membership).
The Home and School Association supports the St. Peter Catholic School staff and students in many ways. Members volunteer to help out at school functions as room parents, chaperones, field trip transportation, and other jobs as needed. In addition to this, the Home and School provides each classroom with start up money in the fall, funds field trips for classes, takes care of dinner for the staff on parent-teacher conference nights, purchases playground equipment as needed for students, to name a few things.