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Student News

Fun Facts about Saint Nick

By Raegan Thompson

We’ve all heard about dear old St. Nick, and how he had a double identity as one of our favorite figures, Santa Claus. But do you really know St. Nick? Here are some fun facts about him to help you learn his story. Saint Nick was born in Patara, Turkey in 270 AD. Coincidentally, he also died in Turkey about 75 years later. When Nick was still young, he made a pilgrimage to Palestine and Egypt, passionate about Christian life. Nick wanted to pray in the places that Jesus prayed in. Being a follower of Christ, he was known for selling his possessions, and giving what he had to others. In fact, this habit of giving other people gifts without them asking started the tradition we all know today as Christmas. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! 

The St. Peter Speech & Media Club is responsible for reporting on the Student News Page.  Our student reporting team includes:

Vivian Harriman

Raegan Thompson

Lia Cubero

Annette Harriman

Easton Moore

Kinley Diehm

Basketball Predictions for 7th & 8th grade

By Ellie Bonar

Hi my name is Ellie Bonar and this is my prediction for seventh and eighth grade boys and girls basketball.


  Both teams are very talented, they both have good rebounders and good shooters. I think these two characteristics  are the main things in a basketball team. So far in the season they have had one game, although they both lost, they both played aggressively.

Ok so my predictions for this season is that both teams will win most of their games and when it comes to tournaments I think they both will place. Speaking of tournaments they most recently had a tournament but had to drop out because they lost  many of their players due to a sickness going around in school.In that tournament, the girls had two teams and one of them was headed to the championship game for first place and the other was headed to constellation.The boys also were headed to constellation. I think this tells you a lot about what will happen this season. 

In conclusion both teams will do great this season, win games, and hopefully win some tournaments too. Overall they both will play aggressively which is all that matters at the end of the day. Once again this is just my prediction and I don’t know what will happen.

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By Annette Harriman


This week a Self-Study group is coming to check out our school. A Self Study is when a group of people come and check out our school, they also see what needs improvement. They will be intervening with people and asking questions. In addition, students will be showing the group around. The Self Study happens every six years. Students have been working on being quiet in the hallway and keeping our school clean. Father Francis goes to other schools and tells people how great of a school we have, so don’t forget Father Francis and all he does for us.  The group of men and women first come Wednesday after school to take a look and have dinner. On Thursday we will start the day off with an all-school Mass. Then later on in the day they will be in the buildings asking questions and eating lunch with the students. Then on Friday they will share reports over breakfast then they will be on their way.  Go Big Blue!

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Grandparents Day

By Raegan Thompson

At St.Peter School, we set aside a day to honor and cherish our grandparents and veterans. This day has become known as Grandparents Day. On Grandparents Day, we started off with a student-led Mass, followed by the student body performing a special program, singing about all their blessings and feelings of appreciation towards our very special loved ones. Nancy Thompson and Julie Butner, our two music teachers in chief, have put on the music program of the year! There were a number of patriotic songs, such as “America the Beautiful” and “When the Flag Goes By.” In addition, the students also sang songs of our faith about how grateful and appreciative we all are for our numerous blessings that have been given to us. Grandparents that were interviewed following the program expressed appreciation of seeing the kids and community come together as one. Another grandparent commented about the message of love, feeling it radiating throughout the whole gymnasium. Like our music teachers, the committee went above and beyond. The committee this year consists of Mrs. Carol Griffin, Mrs. Susan Finlayson, Ms. Katina Tiffany, and Mrs. Nancy Thompson. Notable embellishments include setting up a Veterans Wall, picture stations, and refreshments. The Veterans Wall was made up of loved ones that have served our nation. It included pictures of the veteran, rank, their names, and time served in the military. In conclusion, Grandparents Day was wildly successful this year, creating memories that will last a lifetime!


Red Ribbon Week

By Vivian Harriman

Through the week of October 23-27 the Mustangs are having Red Ribbon week. The entire school is participating in these activities. The theme is Be Kind to Your Mind: Live Drug Free. They are doing fun activities throughout the week.  These activities include door decorations, crazy socks, bubble thoughts, hats and red socks, bracelets, and prayers.


St. Peter Catholic School
368 S. Ellsworth Ave.
Marshall, MO 65340

Main Office:  660-886-6390
Celebrating 140 years of Faith Education
Go Big Blue!

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