St Peter Catholic School: Home of the Mustangs

Admissions' Policies and Priorities
In order to maintain a high quality of education, St. Peter Catholic School enrollment will be evaluated in the spring of each school year for the following school year for class size purposes, number of teachers, etc.
Enrollment in each grade and classroom will be limited to the maximum number of students permitted by the Diocese of Jefferson City and/or the physical capacity of parish facilities as determined by the pastor and principal in consultation with the school board.
1.) Children of parishioners
a. Children from families with children already enrolled
b. First child now reaching school age
c. Other children registered on approved waiting list.
2.) Children from families new to the parish who were enrolled in a Catholic school at their previous address.
3.) Catholic children from non-parish families with students already enrolled
4.) Non-Catholic children from families with already enrolled
5.) Non-Catholic children from families without students already enrolled
This policy normally goes into effect should a waiting list develop.
The pastor's signature of registration forms and a one-third deposit are needed in the school office to make registration official.
The pastor and principal reserve the right to make an exception to the policy based on individual and/or extraordinary circumstances.
General Requirements for Admission:
A. Kindergarten Admission
1. Children must be five years old by August 1st.
2. Children must demonstrate readiness for school in cognitive, affective and psychomotor maturity, normally demonstrated on a student readiness screening instrument.
B. For all new students the following documents are required:
1. completed admission application,
2. official certificate of birth,
3. baptismal certificate (for Catholic students not baptized at St. Peter Catholic Church)
4. health records with immunizations completed according to Missouri Department of Health requirements,
5. academic and discipline/behavioral records from the previous school, and
6. if applicable, a copy of that portion of a custody agreement that stipulates custody and any other information pertinent for the school.
C. Normally, an interview with the pastor or his designee is required prior to accepting enrollment.
D. A pre-registration for all students will take place in the spring.
E. Withdrawal from the school: The parent of any pupil leaving the school must notify the principal so that needed information may be obtained. Copies of academic records cannot be forwarded to another school without authorization to release the records signed by the parent.